cjcam: Grandma and Chase
cjcam: Me and Kelly
cjcam: Kelly and Elizabeth
cjcam: Happy Fourth of July!
cjcam: Kelly and Logan
cjcam: P6050426.jpg
cjcam: P6040321.jpg
cjcam: Kelly and Liz, Easter 2010
cjcam: Kelly and Liz, Easter 2010
cjcam: Hot Dogs
cjcam: Preparing to fire
cjcam: Hayden
cjcam: Charles
cjcam: Shea
cjcam: Cowabunga!
cjcam: Snow angels
cjcam: Sledding
cjcam: Mama bear & baby bear
cjcam: Making candles
cjcam: Post-wipeout counseling
cjcam: Ad-hoc choir
cjcam: Skating class 2007-11-03
cjcam: Cal flying
cjcam: Myles and giant grasshopper
cjcam: Exploring the island
cjcam: Sand worship
cjcam: Myles & Logan in the underground river
cjcam: Myles
cjcam: Logan - Self-Portrait
cjcam: Stephanie and Sabrina