cjabest: kansai airport
cjabest: checking things out
cjabest: osaka aquarium
cjabest: IMG_2585
cjabest: soft face
cjabest: IMG_2589
cjabest: the couple
cjabest: father of the bride
cjabest: real cake cutting
cjabest: the test
cjabest: the test
cjabest: best man
cjabest: mari's uncle is magic!
cjabest: Mari thanks everyone
cjabest: Ryan thanks everyone in Japanese
cjabest: Beta!!
cjabest: celebratory cigars
cjabest: celebratory cigars
cjabest: nate stands out
cjabest: ava's japanese fan base
cjabest: ava's japanese fan base
cjabest: IMG_2623.JPG
cjabest: ava 'n nate
cjabest: ava sleeps
cjabest: no smoking
cjabest: 7 and iholdings
cjabest: paid parking lot
cjabest: Kobe
cjabest: iron chef
cjabest: IMG_2635.JPG