civ et.: C130s
civ et.: running!
civ et.: sunflowersandguardrails
civ et.: wintersun
civ et.: transect!
civ et.: rubberducky,you'retheone!
civ et.: makingmountains
civ et.: groundglowingback
civ et.: bluestems
civ et.: lurchingcholla
civ et.: cowpass
civ et.: iwishalittlemouselivedinhere
civ et.: antler
civ et.: mantaskyeatsthesun
civ et.: tomexico
civ et.: pokeycrow
civ et.: polarbearwiththreelegswaitsforacab
civ et.: discrete states
civ et.: fruit, boots, and the fastest way to a heart
civ et.: mundomagico
civ et.: blackgranitefacade
civ et.: squareinnogales
civ et.: okiguess
civ et.: thingonfire
civ et.: morestagepropsfromthenineteenthcentury
civ et.: onceyou'veplayedenoughpokemoneverythingelsejustlookslikepokemon
civ et.: glassdoesn'tburnbutitdoesn'tdomuchelseeither
civ et.: thiscouldbethestartofabeautifulbbqpit
civ et.: yeahyoucanleavethosethere
civ et.: limo breath