The City Project:
Habana Cuba 2000 rumba
The City Project:
Santa Maria Santiago de Cuba
The City Project:
Dos Gardenias Habana Cuba
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Cuba 2000 Hemingway's Typewriter Hotel Ambos Mundos
The City Project:
Ernest Hemingway Cuba
The City Project:
Habana Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Virgensita de Cobre, Cuba, 2000
The City Project:
Habana Cuba Plaza de la Catedral 2000
The City Project:
Habana Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Free Elian Habana Cuba 2000
The City Project:
El Deporte, Derecho del Pueblo Habana Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Casa de la Trova Santiago de Cuba 2000
The City Project:
Catedral de la Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Habana 2000
The City Project:
Matanzas 2000
The City Project:
Matanzas 2000
The City Project:
Matanzas 2000