The City Project: 170 Paul Williams Residence
The City Project: 580 Golden State Mutual Life Building Western and Adams
The City Project: 580 Golden State Mutual Life Insurance
The City Project: 570 Airport Theme Building
The City Project: 987 St. Phillip the Evangelist Church
The City Project: 988 St. Phillip the Evangelist Parish Hall
The City Project: 436 Howard-Nagin Residence
The City Project: 992 Craig Residence "Peppergate Ranch"
The City Project: 233 Sunset Plaza Apartments
The City Project: 484 Oakridge and Grounds
The City Project: 485 Nicolosi Estate
The City Project: 893 Castera Residence
The City Project: 851 28th Street Y.M.C.A. Building
The City Project: 774 Angelus Funeral Home
The City Project: 200 Second Baptist Church