The City Project: American Public Health Association President's Citation Award Robert Garcia with Raul Macias Anahuak Youth Sports Association
The City Project: Los Angeles River Award The City Project 2005
The City Project: Support Urban Park Funding
The City Project: Raul Macias Field L.A. River Center
The City Project: Raul Macias Field L.A. River Center
The City Project: Geronimo Pratt Black Panther first day of freedom after 27 years for a crime he did not commit
The City Project: Geronimo Pratt Black Panther Bail Hearing
The City Project: Geronimo Pratt Black Panther Bail Hearing
The City Project: Los Angeles River Master Plan Kick Off at the Los Angeles State Historic Park
The City Project: Los Angeles River Master Plan Kick Off at the Los Angeles State Historic Park
The City Project: Robert García, Executive Director and Counsel
The City Project: Cochambamba Bolivia World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth
The City Project: Habana American Public Health Association 2010
The City Project: The Grass Roots Fight for Clean Water and Green Justice
The City Project: The Grass Roots Fight for Clean Water and Green Justice
The City Project: Baldwin Hills Park, Vernice Miller-Travis, NEJAC, Charles Lee, US EPA, Robert Garcia, The City Project
The City Project: Great Wall of Los Angeles Restoration 2011
The City Project: Chicano Park Restoration 2011
The City Project: Victory to Save Panhe and San Onofre and Stop the Toll Road!
The City Project: Transit to Trails: Oldtimers Foundation, CORBA and The City Project
The City Project: Los Angeles River Ride 2011
The City Project: Anahuak Youth Sports Association, The City Project and COFEM use soccer as an organizing tool for students to move more, eat well, stay healthy, do their best in school and in life -- and vote!
The City Project: San Jacinto Wilderness April 2009
The City Project: Sinkyone Lost Coast Wilderness August 2005
The City Project: Santa Cruz Channel Islands National Park TNC
The City Project: Twin Tanks, Chimineas Ranch
The City Project: Los Angeles State Historic Park Grand Inauguration (Interim Public Use) Children Celebrating with Robert Garcia, The City Project
The City Project: New School Ground Breaking, Citizens' School Bond Oversight Committee, Los Angeles Unified School District
The City Project: LAUSD hearing physical education resolution July 8, 2008, School Board Adopts Physical Education Resolution to Comply with California Law LAUSD July 8, 2008
The City Project: The City Project Environmental Justice Roundtable, with Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice, Los Angeles, February 25, 2010