City of Boston Archives: Radio Broadcast
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Massachusetts National Youth Administration
City of Boston Archives: Massachusetts National Youth Administration
City of Boston Archives: Massachusetts National Youth Administration
City of Boston Archives: American Institute of Electrical Engineers Convention Meeting
City of Boston Archives: Community Fund, Boston City Hospital
City of Boston Archives: Fire Prevention Parade
City of Boston Archives: Civilian Auxiliary Fire Exhibition, Bunker Hill
City of Boston Archives: Civilian Auxiliary Fire Exhibition, Bunker Hill
City of Boston Archives: Charles River Shell Program
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: Fireman's Ball
City of Boston Archives: I Am an American Day Parade
City of Boston Archives: [Chief Pope and Commissioner Riley]
City of Boston Archives: Boston Fire Department prize dogs
City of Boston Archives: Boston Fire Department prize dogs
City of Boston Archives: New England Fire Chiefs Convention
City of Boston Archives: Boston Common Fire Prevention Exhibit
City of Boston Archives: Elks Day for Crippled Children
City of Boston Archives: Paul Revere Chapter #46 Military Order of the Purple Heart
City of Boston Archives: Presentation of 25 Year Medals to Deputy Chiefs and Chief of Department
City of Boston Archives: [William Arthur Reilly]
City of Boston Archives: William Arthur Reilly