Marc-Anthony Macon: The Very Large Sandwich
Marc-Anthony Macon: The Very Large Sandwich
Marc-Anthony Macon: Guiteau Sleeps on Danny
Marc-Anthony Macon: Guiteau Sleeps on Danny
Marc-Anthony Macon: Guiteau Sleeps on Danny
Marc-Anthony Macon: Tak Dressed as John
Marc-Anthony Macon: John as Charon
Marc-Anthony Macon: James as a Prostitute
Marc-Anthony Macon: Danny as Bacon
Marc-Anthony Macon: James Primps
Marc-Anthony Macon: The BLT Boys
Marc-Anthony Macon: The BLT Boys
Marc-Anthony Macon: The BLT Boys
Marc-Anthony Macon: Skull Light
Marc-Anthony Macon: Open Book
Marc-Anthony Macon: The Whore, the Doctor and the Holy Man
Marc-Anthony Macon: Skull Napkin Over Animals
Marc-Anthony Macon: Molly as Some Goddess
Marc-Anthony Macon: Lab Coat Boogie
Marc-Anthony Macon: Mad Scientist Dance
Marc-Anthony Macon: Happy Sara
Marc-Anthony Macon: Tomato Dances with Meat & Potatoes
Marc-Anthony Macon: Tomato Dances with Meat & Potatoes