citrineblue: Happiness in the evening light
citrineblue: A relaxed moment
citrineblue: Stunning couple
citrineblue: Wedding purse
citrineblue: Siblings in the evening light
citrineblue: There you are....
citrineblue: Bubbles floating by
citrineblue: A relaxed moment
citrineblue: Place setting
citrineblue: IMG_4431 (3)
citrineblue: Picnic lunch
citrineblue: Ushers and Usherette
citrineblue: Picnic meringues
citrineblue: Happy Mother of the Bride
citrineblue: Happy Mother of the Groom attending to sibling
citrineblue: Nervous wait
citrineblue: Celebration prep
citrineblue: We can relax with cocktails
citrineblue: Very happy
citrineblue: Relaxed and happy
citrineblue: Waiting for the off
citrineblue: Friends.....
citrineblue: All......
citrineblue: Dessets aplenty
citrineblue: Picnic crates
citrineblue: Getting ready....
citrineblue: Beautiful