citrineblue: Perfect
citrineblue: Bertie, one big fluff ball
citrineblue: Harvey watching
citrineblue: Monty, loving the sun
citrineblue: Reuben and Autumn leaves
citrineblue: Harvey's cute nose
citrineblue: My curly teddy
citrineblue: Finally some shade
citrineblue: Monty keeping at least his paws clean
citrineblue: More boy hugs
citrineblue: Monty just fitting
citrineblue: Bertie taking a rest
citrineblue: Monty watching
citrineblue: Luna sorting her cloud of hair
citrineblue: Bertie licking his lips
citrineblue: Luna in the intense last light
citrineblue: Harvey on guard
citrineblue: Luna taking some shade
citrineblue: Luna alert to mischief
citrineblue: Monty getting some rays
citrineblue: Reuben keeping an eye
citrineblue: Monty in all his majesty