citrineblue: Pink Volcano sunrise - due to ash in the atmoshere
citrineblue: Sea Lions only!!!!!!!
citrineblue: Zodiac transport to the ship
citrineblue: The LEGEND
citrineblue: The Legend - Funnel
citrineblue: Looming Bow - Legend
citrineblue: Do I ignore or eat it?
citrineblue: Bartolome Island - Eye uppppp!!
citrineblue: Bartolome Island - Lava Cactus
citrineblue: View from the top of the island!
citrineblue: Life is hard
citrineblue: Vent and Lava flow
citrineblue: Bartolome Pinnacle 2
citrineblue: Yep that is us, all the crew
citrineblue: Bartolome - Pinnacle 1
citrineblue: Bartolome
citrineblue: Legend - poolside
citrineblue: Early start over to Urbina Bay, Isabela
citrineblue: A Constellation!!! of Zodiacs
citrineblue: View back to the Legend
citrineblue: To Isabela......
citrineblue: Wet landing
citrineblue: Fresh turtle nests
citrineblue: Fresh turtle tracks - Legend dead ahead
citrineblue: Flower found on Isabela
citrineblue: Isabela - Red flower
citrineblue: Darwin's finch - Isabela
citrineblue: Darwin's finch - Isabela
citrineblue: Land Iguana den - Isabela
citrineblue: Land Iguana - Isabela