citrineblue: Flying to Coca from Quito
citrineblue: Rio Napo and Coca
citrineblue: Motorized canoes - A journey to La Selva, Two and a half hours
citrineblue: Going to La Selva - Using the dugouts to get to our accommodation
citrineblue: Across the lake to La selva
citrineblue: Arriving at the dock at La Selva
citrineblue: View towards the lake away from our accommodation
citrineblue: Our accommodation, double, on the edge of the jungle
citrineblue: View back to the lake from the kids accommodation
citrineblue: Perfect rainbow over rainforest
citrineblue: La Selva Jungle
citrineblue: Jungle frog
citrineblue: Visiting a home along the Rio Napo
citrineblue: An indigenous families house along the Rio Napo
citrineblue: Lawrence with a blow pipe
citrineblue: Tom relaxing
citrineblue: Hoatzin balancing!!!
citrineblue: La Selva docking area
citrineblue: Dugouts
citrineblue: Movement
citrineblue: Dugout at rest
citrineblue: Tom and Jet
citrineblue: Natural arch
citrineblue: Bananas for supper
citrineblue: La Selva's Crocodile Dundee
citrineblue: Lagoon - La Selva
citrineblue: Pirhana fishing
citrineblue: Evening fishing for Pirhana
citrineblue: Heading towards evening
citrineblue: Trip around the lake