citrineblue: Mountains, hills and rocks
citrineblue: Titanium - Loch Morlich
citrineblue: Absolute silence
citrineblue: Mist rising
citrineblue: Wonderful nature
citrineblue: Curves in stone - Stillness
citrineblue: Loch Pityoulish - misty and almost prehistoric
citrineblue: Loch Pityoulish - Early mist and shadows
citrineblue: Later still the warmth arrives
citrineblue: Mountain Hare outside the holiday cottage
citrineblue: Crebain from Dunlan!!LOTR
citrineblue: Osprey on nest- no tripod!!
citrineblue: Scottish crossbill? or not............probably not
citrineblue: Scotland, Cairngorms - Mountain hare making a run for it
citrineblue: Scotland, Cairngorms - Red Grouse from the car, up on the moor
citrineblue: Scotland, Killiecrankie - First try at slow exposure with water, hand held