Citril: P4025657
Citril: P4025659
Citril: Facade
Citril: Glasgow
Citril: Ubiquitous Chip
Citril: Ashton Lane
Citril: Lunchtime ... and what a fabulous lunch!
Citril: Rabbit has lunch
Citril: Kisses
Citril: Oh no!
Citril: Pub
Citril: The Lane
Citril: The Ubiquitous Chip
Citril: Church spire
Citril: Glasgow Botanic Gardens entrance
Citril: Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Citril: Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Citril: Charis
Citril: You are my sunshine!
Citril: Looking for something?
Citril: Any ideas what this one is?
Citril: Do you know him?
Citril: Wonder where they are going?
Citril: Charis tests a stick
Citril: Mar 2007 049
Citril: Mar 2007 050
Citril: Mar 2007 051
Citril: Mar 2007 054
Citril: Mar 2007 055
Citril: Mar 2007 056