Citril: Rev George Cringle
Citril: Mum and Charis, Oban Bay
Citril: Feeding swans, Oban Bay
Citril: Charis's tadpoles
Citril: Charis's pets!
Citril: 3 little ducks went swimming one day ....
Citril: April2007 004
Citril: Worms ...
Citril: Anenome
Citril: Xander in doll's pram
Citril: Roll over!
Citril: Craw's Nest cat
Citril: Shrimp anyone?
Citril: Xander showing his tree climbing skills off!
Citril: Careful now!
Citril: Xander - King of all he surveys!
Citril: 'Mummy, I love this dog!'
Citril: Mr T counsels the dog!
Citril: I'm watching you!
Citril: More cows!
Citril: Cows
Citril: Bothered?!
Citril: One of the locals was not impressed with one of the Flickrites!
Citril: Charis terrorises the dog ... again
Citril: That gorgeous dog!
Citril: Crabby!
Citril: Nervous, but handsome!
Citril: Carrion Crow
Citril: Molly and Charis
Citril: Molly