CitizenPlain: Dissatisfaction with me and Brent's pool game.
CitizenPlain: Starting a New Moleskine Mini Notebook
CitizenPlain: Parque Poblado on Friday Night
CitizenPlain: Some of my new friends
CitizenPlain: Some of my new friends
CitizenPlain: Some of my new friends
CitizenPlain: Some of my new friends
CitizenPlain: The group moves to another park.
CitizenPlain: Modesty FTW!
CitizenPlain: Girls Pose
CitizenPlain: Crazyface absconds with the girl
CitizenPlain: More Group Shot
CitizenPlain: Chucks from Around the World, part 1
CitizenPlain: Group Shot
CitizenPlain: Nathan and Luisa
CitizenPlain: Girls Pose
CitizenPlain: Crazyface
CitizenPlain: I forget what this was all about
CitizenPlain: IMG 1736
CitizenPlain: Our picture is interrupted
CitizenPlain: The girl in the middle is good at making pictures look fun.
CitizenPlain: View of the metrocable from San Antonio the station.
CitizenPlain: Ascending in the Metrocable to Santo Domingo
CitizenPlain: Medellin's Metrocable in Santo Domingo
CitizenPlain: Spanish Library in Santo Domingo
CitizenPlain: Inside the Spanish Library
CitizenPlain: Orchestra Practice in the Spanish Library
CitizenPlain: This is called the "Intelligent Building"
CitizenPlain: Bamboo Thatch in El Parque de los Pies Descanzos