CitizenPlain: Sign on the Cruz Del Sur Bus
CitizenPlain: Inside the bus with cushy seat-beds
CitizenPlain: Guys video tape everyone getting on the bus
CitizenPlain: My comlimentary toothbrush and toothpaste
CitizenPlain: When the bus stops for gas, people will sell you stuff.
CitizenPlain: Little houses
CitizenPlain: Mystery Market view from the bus
CitizenPlain: Heading south from Lima to Cuzco
CitizenPlain: My Cruz Del Sur Meal
CitizenPlain: IMG 0487
CitizenPlain: Sunrise on the bus to Cuzco
CitizenPlain: Town our bus passed through
CitizenPlain: IMG 0498
CitizenPlain: Cuzco types
CitizenPlain: Interior of my Cuzco Hotel
CitizenPlain: Interior of my Cuzco Hotel
CitizenPlain: Cuzco's main Plaza during the day
CitizenPlain: Standard Cuzco Street
CitizenPlain: Nathan explains the scale of Inca rocks
CitizenPlain: Inca Ruins at Sacsauyhuaman
CitizenPlain: IMG 0514
CitizenPlain: On top of the mountain
CitizenPlain: Vince, my walking-mate taking pictures
CitizenPlain: Nathan and JC represent.
CitizenPlain: Cuzco's main Plaza at night
CitizenPlain: Riding the train to Machu Picchu
CitizenPlain: Another train-view of Cuzco
CitizenPlain: Our train - the trip was about 4 hours
CitizenPlain: Clouds in Cuzco
CitizenPlain: Inside view of the train