citizenkerr: BNSF freight
citizenkerr: BNSF w/shiny new cars
citizenkerr: Tulsa Depot & railcars
citizenkerr: BNSF freight
citizenkerr: The 'yards, West Tulsa
citizenkerr: The 'yards, West Tulsa
citizenkerr: Rte 66 Sapulpa
citizenkerr: Train crossing
citizenkerr: The train caboose
citizenkerr: Locomotive
citizenkerr: Loco 2
citizenkerr: Santa Fe engine
citizenkerr: Perry station
citizenkerr: Anadarko station
citizenkerr: Anadarko station
citizenkerr: Walters station
citizenkerr: Memorial
citizenkerr: "Take the last train to B-ville..."
citizenkerr: Midland Valley Station
citizenkerr: Nighttime at the station
citizenkerr: Rock Island Station
citizenkerr: bRRidge, west side 2
citizenkerr: foggy bRRidge
citizenkerr: Refinery sunset
citizenkerr: bRRdige sunset 2
citizenkerr: Sunset buoys
citizenkerr: Sunset buoys 2
citizenkerr: Zink lake & dam
citizenkerr: bRRidge sunset
citizenkerr: Sunset & art