Mandy ML Chen: Biscuits from my childhood : Sin Wah Bee Biscuit shop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: Sin Wah Bee Biscuit Shop
Mandy ML Chen: Sin Wah Bee Biscuit Shop
Mandy ML Chen: Morning breakfast, papers and ciggie : Sun Thye Hoe Coffeeshop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: Waiting for customers
Mandy ML Chen: A quiet corner : Sun Thye Hoe Coffeeshop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: Couldn't resist another shoe shot. Love the tiles! Sun Thye Hoe Coffeeshop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: An artist at work : Liyin, engrossed in sketching the coffeeshop scene
Mandy ML Chen: My all-time favourite breakfast - iced coffee and toast bread with butter and kaya : Sun Thye Hoe Coffeeshop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: A typical Malaysian breakfast
Mandy ML Chen: F1080028.JPG
Mandy ML Chen: The cook's gear
Mandy ML Chen: Kitchen scene : Sun Thye Hoe Coffeeshop, Chow Kit
Mandy ML Chen: Pineapple pancakes : Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: Multicoloured Malay kuih : Chow Kit Market
Mandy ML Chen: Grapes galore : Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: Spices and such : Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: Bunga Kantan and serai (lemongrass) - essential ingredients for laksa and curry : Chow Kit Market
Mandy ML Chen: Spoilt for choice; there were at least 20 varieties of dishes to choose from : Malay food stall, Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: Hot steamed peanuts : Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: I'm camera-shy
Mandy ML Chen: Going bananas! This shop sells all kinds of bananas : Chow Kit market
Mandy ML Chen: A Visit to the Dentist
Mandy ML Chen: Back alley paperwork
Mandy ML Chen: Lonely pay phones. Wonder if people still use these phones
Mandy ML Chen: A Visit to the Dentist
Mandy ML Chen: The denture workshop
Mandy ML Chen: Vintage dentistry
Mandy ML Chen: A very toothy smile?
Mandy ML Chen: Owner of hippie-mobile