Mandy ML Chen: Dried indian sundries
Mandy ML Chen: Line up the condense milk. Chong Kok coffeeshop, old klang town
Mandy ML Chen: Not your typical coffee shop breakfast. Blueberry cheese cake - too tempting to resist
Mandy ML Chen: Lovely ladies. Caught them just before they had to open the shop
Mandy ML Chen: Buckets of Nasi Lemak, Chong Kok coffeeshop, Klang
Mandy ML Chen: Crumbling wall
Mandy ML Chen: The taikor of Jln Tengku Kelana
Mandy ML Chen: Indian spices
Mandy ML Chen: The neighbourhood seamstress
Mandy ML Chen: The scent, I mean, scene of an indian restaurant's kitchen
Mandy ML Chen: She was humouring Liyin
Mandy ML Chen: Tough matron of the hardware store. The antique cash register is probably as old as she is
Mandy ML Chen: The humble but colourful wash basin area at the Indian restaurant
Mandy ML Chen: Indian clay urns and tea lights
Mandy ML Chen: Nothing like a warm plate of nasi lemak in the morning
Mandy ML Chen: An organised mess - Tin smith shop in Klang
Mandy ML Chen: Enigmatic man on a bicycle
Mandy ML Chen: yet another old abandoned building. think it's used for swallow rearing
Mandy ML Chen: it breaks my heart to see grand old buildings in klang being torn down so wantonly
Mandy ML Chen: Corner of an old hardware store in Klang
Mandy ML Chen: "Number please?" Blast from the past, a telephone switchboard used before the days of telephone, cellphone and skype
Mandy ML Chen: Another random wall & window