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albums of CitizenGO
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23.12.2024 BBC stop pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda onto children, London
18.12.2024 Holy Mass For Pakistani Christian Ehsan Shan, Hungary
14.12.2024 Keine Drohnenüberwachung in der Schweiz
14.12.2024 Save Ehsan Shan, Vienna
16.12.2024 Stand with Eva Edl! - Check delivery
16.12.2024 Entrega de Firmas en Baja California: Exigimos justicia por el robo y sacrilegio en la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia en Tecate!
12.09.2024 Signatures Delivery No to sexual education at 6 year-olds in Quebec!
04.12.2024 CitizenGO presente en CPAC Argentina 2024
02.12.2024 Stop Primary Schools in Scotland Appointing LGBT Champions, Edinburgh
01.12.2024 Stop Forced Sex Ed In Schools, Warsaw, Poland
29.11.2024 Stop Assisted Suicide the UK!
27.11.2024 EU Commissioner Vote, Strasbourg
27.11.2024 Stop Canada's Pandemic Treaty!
21.11.2024 Detengamos el Caso Beatriz V. El Salvador!
21.11.2024 Stop the MAD Bill in Australia!
14.11.2024 The Family is Family Conference, Hungary
12.11.2024 Apologise to wrongly blacklisted chaplain and give Bernard his life back
06.11.2024-07.11.2024 Say NO To The Pandemic Treaty
8.11.2024 Polska bastionem ŻYCIA!
24.10.2024 Stand With Darlington Nurses For Safe Spaces For Women, London, UK
04.11.2024 Signatures Delivery for the "Technical Coup" from Congress in Mexico
04.11.2024 Entrega de assinaturas "Em Defesa da Liberdade Religiosa: A Necessidade de Reafirmar o ADO 26 e Proteger Nossas Convicções"
29.10.2024 - IOC - Stop attacks on Christians!
24.10.2024 Say No to a Legal Abortion in Mexico!
13.09.2024 Investigate the Corona Measures in Switzerland!
23.10.2024 Legal protection for the '56 flag! Hungary
17.10.2024-23.10.2024 Stop New Government Guidelines Allowing For Abortion, Warsaw, Poland
14.10.2024 World Health Summit 2024
07.10.2024 SAGE Impact Lunch
07.10.2024 Eduards Court Hearing at Bayreuth District Court
10.10.2024 - Stop EU Chat Control
10.10.2024 Say NO to Queer Museum in Warsaw, Poland!
Sep 4th - Oct 11th 2024: Ask Your Government to Withdraw the WHO's International Health Regulations!
03.10.2024 Výzva vláde: Nerušte prorodinné opatrenia
Pro-life March in Wrocław 06.10.2024
05.10.2024 CitizenGO present at the Catholic Youth Festival in Hungary
05.10.2024 March for Life in Vienna, Austria
21.09.2024 CitizenGO present at the Walk for Life in Australia
10.03.2024 Vote Values in the USA!
22.09.2024 Million Person March in Canada
21.09.2024 March for Life Cologne
March For Life Budapest 21.09.2024
17.09.2024 Fine vita: no al DDL Bazoli per legalizzare il suicidio assistito
25.09.2024 Signature delivery: Remove shameful Sex standars in Croatia
22.09.2024 March for Life in Slovakia
19.09.2024 - 20.09.2024 Stop UN's Push to Decriminalize Pedophilia! NYC
13.09.2024 Stop the suicide capsule in Switzerland!
14.09.2024 March for Life in Zurich
08.31.2024 CitizenGO present at Moms for Liberty National Summit
10.09.2024 Pandemic Treaty Negotiations in Geneva
07.09.2024 CitizenGO at the UK March for Life!
07.09.2024 Fora Moraes - Impeachment Já!
05-06/09/2024: Foro del Río de la Plata
02.09.2024 Demand the UK embassy to lower their LGBT flag!
24.08.2024 CitizenGO at the CPAC Mexico 2024
17.08.2024 CitizenGO at the Global Protest for Venezuela!
13.08.2024 INE: Detengan el atraco electoral! Entrega de firmas en distintas ciudades de México
12.08.2024 Demand The Covid-19 Inquiry Now! - Australia
15.08.2024 INE: Detengan el atraco! Posters en Ciudad de México
11.08.2024 Sziget Festival Budapest, Hungary
06.08.2024 Stand with Eva Edl!
05.08.2024 IOC: Stop attacking Christians!
31.07.2024 INE: Detengan el atraco electoral! Entrega de firmas en México
29.07.2024 Signature delivery in Argentina: Stop Ariel Lijo to be designated as a Judge of the Supreme Court
23.07.2024 Aufforderung an die CDU/CSU zur Klage gegen das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz
24.07.2024 Stop Telehealth Abortion in Alberta at The Interim, Canada
17.07.2024 Say NO To The Pandemic Treaty, Geneva
15.07.2024 Manifestación provida en Puebla, México
05.07.2024 Demonstration gegen das Bannmeilen-Gesetz, Berlin
07.11.2024 No to The Legalization of Abortion in Poland!
08.07.2024 CitizenGO present at the 2024 CPAC Conference in Brasil
06.07.24 Pro Life Rally Dublin Ireland
05.07.2024 Stop Push For Sex Ed In Schools Dublin, Ireland
04.07.2024 Geen Schoof als premier voor Nederland
27.06.2024 Signatures Delivery: Prevent Full Nudity in Toronto's Pride Parade
CitizenGO present in the 2024 OAS Summit in Asunción, Paraguay
22.06.2024 March For Life Rome
19.06.2024 Stop Hormones and Puberty Blockers!
19.06.2024 No Automatic Asylum for Queer Migrants
18.06.2024 Protect Berlin School Children From The Queer Action Plan!
18.06.2024 No to the Pandemic Treaty at the CDU Headquarters, Berlin
21.06.2024 - 23.06.2024 CitizenGO at the first National Celebrate Life Conference in Washington D.C.
22-06-2024 A CitizenGO Pride elleni villámakciója képekben
17.06.2024 Stop Puberty Blockers signature delivery in Italy
15.06.2024 CitizenGO present at the candle lights for mother and child in Bern
17.06.2024 Stop digital Euro vans around The Hague, Netherlands
17.06.2024 Stop Bill C-63 advertisement at The Interim, Canada
Conferencia de CitizenGO y Testimonio y Esperanza 2024
12.06.2024 March for Life and Fight Feticide in Brasil 2024
7.06.2024: CitizenGO`s Political Scenario Analysis Course by Carlos Polo
13.04.2024 Munich March For Life
01.06.2024 CitizenGO at Pandemic Treaty Protest, Geneva, Switzerland
01.06.2024 CitizenGO at the first March for Life in Québec!
31.05.2024 Say NO to the Pandemic Treaty
30.05.24 Say NO to the Pandemic Treaty
22.05.24 Hate Speech Bill, Dublin, Ireland
28.05.2024 Elecciones en México #VotaValores 2024
25.05.2024 Entrega de firmas a diputados de Argentina: Detengan el Tratado sobre las Pandemias de la OMS!
25.05.2024 Signature delivery at COOP in Italy!
22.05.2024 CitizenGO bus to Stop the WHO Pandemic treaty travels to Geneva
18.05.2024 March for Life in Zagreb, Croatia
UK Abortion Amendments 15.05.2024
CitizenGO at the National March for Life Ottawa 2024 09.05.2024 - 10.05.2024
10th Pandemic Treaty Meeting UN Geneva 09.05.2024
UN Nairobi HQ Stop Criminalizing Our Christian Beliefs 09.05.2024
08.05.2024 Signatures Delivery Say 'No' to Irreversible Transgender Surgeries For Youth at Ottawa Hospital
04.05.2024 Marcha por la Vida en Colombia
27.04.2024 Marcha por la Vida en México
23.04.2024: GRIPT Media Ireland Ads, NO to the Hate Speech Bill
2024.04.22 Signature delivery in Brasilia: Respect medical autonomy!
2024.04.18 Signature delivery: Senators, prioritize human dignity in the Civil Code!
2024.04.18 Signature delivery: No ideology in the National Education Plan!
15.04.2024 Hands off Homeschooling! Signature Delivery in Australia
05.04.2024 ¡Defendamos la democracia en México!
27.03.24 EN GB Virgin Island TV Show
24.03.2024 Act for Life in Brazil
23.03.2024 CitizenGO at March for Life Innsbruck
23.03.2024: Marcha por la Vida Argentina
20.03.2023: NO to Euthanasia in Ireland
23.03.24 March For Life Kenya
22.03.2024 CitizenGO present at the 68th version of the Commision on the Status of the Women
16.03.2024 March For Life Kenya
05.03.2024 CitizenGO at the World Congress of Families in Guadalajara
28.02.2024 CitizenGO Protesting against golden statue glorifying abortion at University of Houston
29.2.2024 Roundtable: Surrogacy - the Exploitation of Women and Child Trafficking
29.02.2024 Newspaper Ads in Australia: Stop Digital ID!
27.02.2024 Demonstration in Ottawa against the expansion of Euthanasia
22.02.24 Eduard's Court Hearing
21.02.24 - 24.02.2024 CitizenGO at CPAC 2024
20.02.2024 Offline Pandemic Treaty Geneva
19.02.2024 Offline WHO Transgender Guidelines
19.02.2024 CitizenGO presente en la Marcha por la Democracia en México
10 years of CitizenGO awards in Hungary
02-14-24 Press conference & Signatures delivery for Justice for Dead Infants: End the Cover Up!
01.24.24 UK Pro-Life Demonstration
21.01.2024: March for Life Paris
20.01.2024 Investigate infant deaths at the Washington Surgi-clinic Signature Delivery!
17-19.01.2024: Demonstration against the World Economic Forum at Davos
17.01.2024 CitizenGO present at the March for Life in Washington D.C!
20.12.2023 10 years of CitizenGO Awards Ceremony in Argentina
14-15.12.2023: Carlos Polo`s Political Training
16.12.2023 10 years of CitizenGO awards in Slovakia
12.12.2023 - Signature Delivery against the Samoa Agreement
13.12.2023 -Signatures Delivery and Stunt to STOP School Board Silencing Parents & Delegates
10 years of CitizenGO in the Netherlands
07.12.2023 - Stunt against Pandemic Treaty, Geneva (Part 3)
01.12.2023 - Social Protest Against WHO Pandemic Treaty - Poland
10 years of CitizenGO Award - 10 lat CitizenGO
29.11.2023 - Stunt to Stop Books Sexualizing Children ITALY
23.11.2023 - Signatures Delivery to Stop Queer Shows in Schools, Germany
28.11.2023 Tell Markus Söder: Bavaria does not need a "Queer-action-plan!
23.11.2023 Meus filhos, minhas regras: Vacina da COVID obrigatória NÃO!
23.11.2023 Right to Live Signature Delivery in Brazil
22.11.23 - Stunt in support of Simone Pillon
20.11.2023 Signature Delivery in Brasil End to the persecution of the Cichelero Family!
16.11.2023 10 years of CitizenGO awards in the U.S.
14.10.2023 - Signatures Delivery for 'Stop the LGBT children's book' Slovakia
Vragenlijst Tweede Kamer verkiezingen 2023
04.11.23 Signature Delivery for LGBTQ+ Propaganda in Croatia
08.11.2023 Minister Lecce: Let parents Opt-Out of Sex Education classes for children!
07.11.2023 Signature delivery in Slovakia: Stop the human body exhibition!
Roma/Rzym 2023
24.10.2023 10 years of CitizenGO in Ireland
19.10.2023 #ChauProgres en las próximas elecciones Argentinas
16.10.2023 - Stunt for the Pandemic Treaty (WHS Berlin) Part 2
17.10.2023 - Signatures Delivery and Stunt No EU stealth ban on driving
14.10.2023 - March for Life Vienna
Election Season Campaign Poland 2023
05.10.2023 10 years of CitizenGO award dinner in Canada
08.10.23 - 10 Year Anniversary CitizenGO (Italy)
03.10.2023 - Tory Conference UK
05.10.2023 - Congresso Federal
03.10.2023 10 years of CitizenGO Award in France
24.09.2023 - March for Life Slovakia
22.09.2023 - Stunt End Transparency Orders
23.09.2023 & 24.09.2023 - CPAC Brasil 2023
09.2023: NO to the UN Pandemic Treaty - New York
09.2023: Don't Let the Government Dictate what you Have to Say - Free Speech in Queensland - Australia
18.09.2023 Vallas Móviles en Ciudad de México: Alto al adoctrinamiento en las aulas!
18.09.2023 Delivering signatures in Portland, Oregon demanding OHSU to restore healthcare to Marlene Barbera!
07.09.2023 - Act for Life Brasil
31.08.2023 - Stop Sexualizing Kids in Daycare
01.09.2023 - Signatures Delivery Remove Queer Comissioner
01.09.2023 - Signatures Delivery Discontinue propaganda station FUNK!
March for Life in the UK 2023
Christian Rights Actions Worldwide
31.8.23 Päivi Räsänen Appeal Trial, Helsinki, Finland; Voicing Christian beliefs is not a crime
23.08.2023 10 years of CitizenGO Award dinner in Australia
24.08.2023 Entrega de firmas en México: AMLO, Alto al adoctrinamiento!
10.08.2023 - Event ADPF 442
10.08.2023 - Supreme is the people: get out Barroso in Brazil
10.08.2023 - No to criminalizing pro-life work
10.08.2023 - Right to Live
07-11.08.2023: NL Offline NPO do not ban ON - Gunay Uslu, Hilversum & Den Haag
07.08.2023 - Election Season of Argentina
01-06.08.2023: Hands OFF Online Censorship in Australia
11.07.2023 Messages supporting Caroline Farrow
09.07.2023 Newspaper advertisement published in Australia: PM Save Calvary Hospital Now!
01.07.2023: Demo für Alle Symposium in Frankfurt
27.06.2023 - Signatures delivery Waterstones Children's book
27.06.2023: NO to Chemical Abortion in Slovakia!
26.06.2023 Signature delivery to the Hungarian Psychiatric Association for the preservation of academic freedom
22.06.2023: CitizenGO at the 53rd OAS Summit Edition in D.C.
20.06.2023 Signature delivery: Protect Religious Freedom from UN's LGBT Agenda!
18.06.2023 - March for Life Poland 2023
06.13.2023: NO to Disney's LGBT Nite
06.17.2023: Target, Stop the LGBT Collection for Babies!
14.06.2023 – Newspaper Ad Stop Drag Queen Summer Camp in Canada And Stop Taxpayers from funding Drag Queen Shows
06.06.2023: NO al autoritarismo Kirchnerista
03.06.2023 - March for Life Colombia 2023
03.06.2023 - Walk-out day in Canada
May 30th: Signature delivery to Reinstate Josh Alexandr now!
30.05.2023 – Allow ALfA to participate at church congress
26.05.2023 – Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty – Berlin
25.05.2023 - Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty
17.05.2023 - Signatures Delivery in Slovakia - Parental Rights Protection Act
13.05.2023 - March for the Family in Kenya
May 11th: March for Life in Canada 2023
08.05.2023 - Signatures Delivery Emőke Bagdy - Hungary
25. & 26.04.2023 – Signatures deliveries to congress in Brasília
25.04.2023 - Signatures Delivery Save Virgin Mary in Ré - France
16.04.23 – Megademo Wien
02.04.2023 - Papal March Warsow 2023
03.29.2023: CVS and Walgreens, stop selling abortion pills!
29.03.2023 - Signatures Delivery Stop Gender Textbook in Slovakia
20.03.2023: Renuncie Ministra Esquivel a la Corte de MX
25.03.2023: March for Life Munich
25-03-2023 CitizenGO present at the March for life in Kenya
24.03.2023: Women Event in Argentina's Congress
25.03.2023. CitizenGO present at the March for Life in Buenos Aires
25.03.2023 - CitizenGO participation at Acts for Life Defense in Brasil 2023
09.03.2023 Macht die ÖVP wieder pro-life
11.03.2023 Marsch fürs Leben Innsbruck
15.03.2023 CitizenGO present at the 67th version of the Commision on the Status of the Women
09.03.2023 No to official gender change in Slovakia
07.03.2023 No to statt-financed abortion in Vorarlberg
02.17.2022: Ontario government, stop sexualizing our kids!
17.02.2023: Say NO to blasphemy in Sanremo, Italy.
08.02.2023 Vorarlberg – Baby Markus
16.02.2023 - Isabel Vaughan-Spruce hearing: "Prayer is not a thought crime!"
08.02.2023 Blutige Embryomodelle für Abgeordnete in Bregenz
07.02.2023 Kanton Zürich: Stopp der Finanzierung von Dragqueen Vorlesestunden!
26.01.2023: No to the Satanist Temple in Mexico
08.02.2022 Elezioni regionali in Lombardia e Lazio
25.01.2023 Hands off Berlin Stadtschloss
25.01.2023 Keine LGBT-Kitas in Berlin
20.01.2023 March for Life Washington, 2023
22.01.2023 March for Life Paris, 2023
14.01.2023 Das Land Tirol darf keine vorgeburtlichen Kindstötungen organisieren!
13.12.2022 Signature delivery in Italy: 'Get gender out of schools'
08.12.2022 Protest against the European Parliament resolution in Slovakia
12.2022: Billboards in The Hague supporting Dutch Farmers
17.11.2022: CPAC Mexico 2022
10.11.2022 Telekom: Stop the employee transgender handbook in Hungary!
10.2022 Surrey Police - Stop Harassing Caroline!
09.11.2022 Demonstrations to support Caroline Farrow around the world!
21.10.2022: Newspaper Ad Supporting the Farmers in the Netherlands
29.10.2022: Swarm Meeting in Erlangen
10.2022 Delivering CitizenGO Book of Condolences QEII to Buckingham Palace, London
26.10.2022: Regensburg University, admit Pro-Life students!
15.10.2022 Marsch fürs Leben, Wien
15.10.2022 AT - Stoppt die LGBT-Indoktrination
03.09.2022: March for Life in The Hague
7.10.2022 Nein zu Abtreibungen in Vorarlbergs Krankenhäusern
05.10.2022 CitizenGO present at the Organization of the American States Summit in Lima, Perú
3.10.2022 NEIN zur Bannmeile!
2.10.2022 Marsch für das Leben, Salzburg
CitizenGO at the World Congress of Families 2022
17.09.2022 Marsch für das Leben, Berlin
10.09.2022: NO to the Morgentaler park in Montreal
18.09.2022: Narodowy Marsz Dla Życia i Rodziny
10.09.2022: Reject Abortion Clinics in Tyrol
04.09.2022 Joan of Arc was a Woman! Globe Theatre, London
03.09.2022 March for Life London, 2022
09.2022: Io voto valori, Elezioni Nazionali in Italia
13.08.2022 Stop Last Supper Mockery - Eschweiler, DE
16.08.2022 Support Religious Freedom in Nicaragua!
10.08.2022 Support the Dutch Farmers in the Netherlands
06.08.2022 CitizenGO present at the CPAC conference in the U.S
09.08.2022 Stop Disney's Indoctrination - Paris, FR
27.07 Stop Sex-Trans on Children's TV - Berlin, DE
26.07 Readmit Boris Reitschuster Campaign
25.07.2022 Stop Mandatory Vaccination in Germany
25.7.2022: DirecTV, mantengan EWTN
11.07.2022 East African Legislative Assembly - Arusha, Tanzania
13.07.2022: No queremos experimentos educativos en MX
23.06.22: Stop LGBT Flags in Public Buildings
23.06.2022: Tesei, Rispetta il Patto Politico con le Famiglie
07.06.22: EU Hate Speech
02.06.2022 End Roe v. Wade!
28.05.2022 CitizenGO at the March for Life in Bregenz
26.06.2022 Fuore il gender dalle scuole!
21.05.2022 Manifestazione Nazionale per la Vita, Roma
17.05.2022 CitizenGO participates in the press conference of the presentation of the Tafida Raqueeb Foundation the
14.05.2022 CitizenGO present in the March for Life in Zagreb, Croatia
03.05.2022 Don't ban Pro-Life Flyers! Ontario, Canada
30.04.2022 March for life in Bogotá, Colombia
26.04.2022 Stunt in Orlando, Florida. Disney: Stop indoctrination around the world and Signature delivery supporting Ron DeSantis in Tallahasse, at the Florida CapitolSi
12.04.2021: Italy, fight against surrogacy
25.03.2022 Macron, non à l'avortement! - Brussels
26.3.2022: Marcha por la Vida (Buenos Aires)
22.03.2022 #CSW66: Equality begins in the womb!
22.03.2022 Delivery of funds to Caritas for Ukraine
19.02.2022: Munich March for Life
08.03.2022 #StopSurrogacy at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva
08.03.2022 Women's day at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva
2022. Newspapers Advertisements around the world
28.02.2022 March for Life in Bogotá
24.02.2022: No gender nelle scuole!
17.2.2022: manifestación en rechazo del aborto en la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador
2021-2022: Freedom of Speech for Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen
09.02.2022 Vans and billboards to support Boris Reitschuster
27.01.22 - No LGBTQ propaganda at Sanremo2022
24.01.2022 Päivi Räsänen Trial, Helsinki, Finland
[2021] Lego: Stop indoctrination in our children! Signature delivery in Florida
[2021] Signature delivery at Disney in Orlando, Florida
24.01.2022 We are all Päivi Räsänen
21.01.2022 March for life in Washington D.C
1.12.2021 Protect Christians in Afghanistan Campaign - The Brussels Times edition
27.12.2021 Signature delivery in Canada: Employment Minister: Don't Deny Employment Insurance to Unvaccinated Canadians!
Newspaper advertisements of CitizenGO around the World 2021
18.12.21 Buenos Aires: NO al Pasaporte Sanitario
29.11.21 NO al Adoctrinamiento en la UBA
15.11.21 Libertad para Cuba
11.21 Argentina´s Elections Offline
2.11.2021 Paris: Stop abortion extension law
27.10.21 Bratislava: Help Pregnant Women
21.10.2021 México: Basta de Ideología en la Educación
16.10.2021 London: Stop Benedetta Campaign
16.10.21 March for Life in Vienna
14.10.2021 Signature Delivery to the AMA against removing sex from birth certificates.
6. Treffen der wahren Schwarmintelligenz, Messe Essen, 1. bis 3. Oktober 2021
10.2021 México: Juicio Político a los Ministros de la Corte Suprema de Justicia
01.10.2021 Signature delivery in the Netherlands: FvD vote against bill D66
Italia: Elezioni amministrative 2021: io voto per la vita, la famiglia e la libertà!
28.09.2021 Finland: Signature delivery to Paivi Rasanen
29.09.2021 Signature delivery in Australia: Tell the ABC stop sexualing our kids!
22.09.2021 Signature delivery in Poland: Open letter to MP Sławomir Nitras
Marsch für das Leben, 18. September 2021, Berlin, Germany
12.09.2021 Hungary: Pope Francis visit
13.09.2021 Canada CitizenGO attends golf tournament for life
14.09.2021 Slovakia welcomes Pope Francis
15.09.2021 Mexico Demonstration agains abortion law
04.09.2021 London March for Life #NumberOneIssue
17.08.2021 Entrega de firmas #FueraCheGuevara en Rosario, Argentina
21.07.2021 Signatures delivery in Netflix HQs to #StopParadisePD
01.07.2021 Entrega de firmas en Argentina a Diputados contra el proyecto de superpoderes
26.06.2021 #RestiamoLiberi demonstration in Turin, Italy
22.06.2021. Signatures delivery of Religious envoy in Slovakia
19.06.2021 Colombia March for Life 2021
20.6.2021. Entrega de firmas para Netflix en Ciudad de México
(18-23).06.2021 #RejectMaticReport Worldwide Signature Deliveries
17.06.2021 USA, UK, Switzerland, Signature delivery: Pantene Campaign
Powstrzymajmy ideologicznych kolonizatorów z USA!
31.05.2021 Croatia March for Life 2021
28.05.2021. Ginebra. Comisión de Derechos Humanos.
26.5.2021. Berlin. Corona-Impfzwang NEIN
25.05.2021 World Medical Association: Respect Cosncience Rights!
22.05.2021 #PerLaVita2021 Italy March for Life
Candidatos provida y profamilia en México
Milan, Italy. 15.5.2021 #RestiamoLiberi
Доставка 51.250+ подписей под петицией против введения в России опасных положений МКБ-11 на XVII Съезд психиатров России. 15 мая 2021
13.05.2021 Canada March for Life
27.04.2021. México: #YoDefiendoAlINE
22.04.2021 Salviamo I bambini da TikTok
22.04.2021 Second delivery in Rome: La Madonnina Non Trasloca!
09.03.2021 Signature delivery in Rome: La Madonnina Non Trasloca!
07.04.2021 Signatures delivery in Australia: Block Pornhub
27.03.2021-March for Life in Argentina
21-27 of March, 2021. Week for Life in Kenya
12.03.2021. Persconferentie petitie tegen "Gewoon. Bloot."
23.03.2021 CSW65 Signature delivery in Kenya
1st. Munich March for Life. 20.03.2021
15.03.2021 CitizenGO at the 65th Comission for the Status of the Women
11.03.2021 La Madonnina Non Trasloca!
Signatures delivery in Canada: I Stand with Derek Sloan. 2021.02.23
Signatures delivery in European Union 2021.01.13
20.01.2021 "Papà e Mamma non si cancellano!"
2020.12.17.USA delivery signatures: #StopChildEuthanasia
2020.12.10 Concentración en Argentina: #10DCeleste
2020.11.28 Concentración en Argentina: #SiHayAbortoYoSalgo
2020.11.27 Signatures delivery: Poland, Keep standing for life!
2020.11.20 Signature delivery: Poland, Keep standing for life!
2020.11.19 Signature delivery in Kenya: Stop the surrogacy bill!
2020.11.17 & 18 Signature delivery in Berlin: Stop the undermining of basic rights
2020.11.12 Questionnaire on elections in Brazil: candidate responses
No alla legge Bavaglio
CitizenGO a Cremona
17.09.2020 #LiberiDiEducare
23.092020 Signatures delivery in Barclays Bank, UK.
07.09.2020 Free Speech Bus in Germany
2020.07.28 México #CorteAbortoNO
2020.07.25 #LarretaVetáElAborto
2020.07.16 #RestiamoLiberiDiEducare in Rome
2020.05.26 Thousands of masks donated by CitizenGoers arrive in Croatia
2020.04.18 CitizenGO distributes one million masks to face COVID-19 worldwide
2020.03.18 CitizenGO prolife billboards at Time Square #UNStopKillingBabies
2020.03.11 CitizenGO at the Disney Shareholder's meeting
2020.03.10 Entrega de firmas en México de la campaña "Basta diputados: queremos vida, ¡no aborto!"
2020.03.06 Performance outside the Netflix HQ in Los Gatos, California #UnsubscribeNetflix
2020.02.19 Signatures Deliver: Withdraw the "Healthy Choices" sexual books from schools.
2020.02.15 Symposium "Familie am Abgrund"
2020.02.04 Signatures Delivered No to Junior Cally's performance in Sanremo!
29.01.2020 CitizenGO deliver +24.000 signatures supporting Washington D.C March For Life
15.01.2020 Signatures delivered in Nairobi City, Kenya: Defend life and Family at UN in Geneva
15.01.2020 Conference with François Billot de Lochner on pornography in France
22/12/2019 Concentration in Guadalupe (Mexico) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) for religious freedom
18-12-2019 March against the illegal protocol imposed by the new Minister of Health in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
12-12-2019 Delivery of signatures at Coca Cola headquarters in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
04-12-2019 Signatures delivery at Citizen TV (Kenya)
28/11/2019 Delivery of signatures signatures in Zacatecas in favor of life signatures in Zacatecas (México) in favor of life
25-11-2019 Meeting with Kivutha Kibwana, Governor in Kenya
21-11-2019 Screenning “Unplanned” in Zagreb (Croatia)
20-11-2019. 500.000+ signatures against LGTB in Disney. Orlando
19/11/2019 Delivery of signatures against the reform of the Law on Comprehensive Sex Education
15-11-2019 Meeting Family Watch International as they requested to review working relationships
13-12-2019. 'A Prince for Elsa. Action in Madrid
13/11/2019 CitizenGO in the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD +25)
11/11/2019 Delivery of signatures for the President of Kenya to defend live, family and freedom
07-11-2019 Campaign for freedom of religion and safeguarding of our christian heritage and european identity
03-11-19 World Congress of Families Conference in Ghana
28-10-2019 Signatures delivery at the Ministry of Education in Nairobi, Kenya
28-10-2019 Signature delivery for Dr. De Vos in Cape Town, South Africa
23-10-2019 The premiere of Unplanned in the Netherlands
10-19-2019 CitizenGO joins the provida event in the “Rodrigo Bueno” neighborhood to celebrate Mother's Day in Argentina
10-17-2019 CitizenGo and UNPF signed more than 42,000 signatures at the Ministry of Public Education
10-16-2019 Arrival of Tafida at Gaslini Hospital (Italy)
14-10-19 March for life in Vienna (Austria)
14-10-2019 Screenning “Unplanned” (organized by “March for Life Austria) – CitizenGO participation as sponsor/partner in Viena
15-10-19 Tafida leaves the hospital in London
Ann Kioko at a conference in Queretaro
12-10- 2019 Pro-life conference for students at the University of Mexico
CitizenGoers supporting Caroline Farrow #keepcarolinefree
09-10-2019 The 'Unplanned' book is presented in Croatia
07-10-2019 Demostration in France against the bioethics law
05-10-2019 Flyer distribution for the Ogunkoya family (Canada)
06-10-2019 Life Chain in Canada
03-10-2019 CitizenGo in the Tafida decision
30-09-2019 Vigil in warsaw (Poland) for Tafida
02-10-2019 Vigil in London's Altab Ali park (United Kingdom) for Tafida
30-09-2019 Vigil in Berlín (Germany) for Tafida
30-09-2019 Vigil in Washington (EEUU) for Tafida
28-09-2019 Meeting of Mujeres por la Vida y la Familia in Ciudad de la Plata (Argentina)
27-09-2019 Rally for Pastor David Lynn in Toronto
27-09-2019 Vigil in Budapest (Hungary) for Tafida
25-09-2019 Signatures delivery in the Slovakian Parliament supporting a pro-life bill"
25-09-2019 Signature delivery in Nairobi to support Dr. De Vos
21/09/2019 Manifestaciones en defensa de la vida y la familia en México
21/09/2019 Benefit Concert for the Ogunkoya Family in Ontario (Canada)
22/09/2019 Vigil in Brasilia (Brasil) for Tafida
18/09/2019 Conference about the bioethic law in France
12/09/2019 Protest in Canada for the deportation of the Ogunkoya family
12/09/2019 Vigil in Rome (Italy) for Tafida
12/09/2019 Students of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro in Mexico join the cause for Tafida
12/09/2019 Vigil in London for Tafida
12/09/2019 Vigil in Nairobi (Kenya) for Tafida
Advertisement in British and Italian newspapers
11/09/2019 Delivery signatures to the UK Embassy in Buenos Aires
Tafida: Delivery of signatures in several countries
11/09/2019 Delivery signatures to the UK Embassy in Bogotá
06/09/2019 For a system of assistance to pregnant women
06/09/2019 Delivery signatures to the UK Embassy in Warsawia
03/09/2019 Federal deputies in mobilization in Mexico
02-09-2019 Protest at the CBC HQ in Toronto
30-08-2019 Signatures delivery in Paris for Tafida Raqeeb
29-08-2019 Signatures delivery in Brasil to make Minister Dias Toffoli resign
09-08-2019 Delivery of signature in Abuja against the Big Brother
08-08-2019 “Día Internacional de Acción por las 2Vidas”
08.08.2019 Apoyo en la Embajada de Argentina en España Día internacional de Acción por las 2 vidas
16-07-2019 CitizenGO at the Family Friendly Council, Poland
03-07-2019 "Familie ohne Vater-Mutter-Kinder? Niemals, Frau Familienministerin!
08-07-2019 Vigil for Vincent Lambert in London
07-07-2019 Concentración a las puertas del Congreso de Chile contra la reforma constitucional que dinamita la patria potestad.
05-07-2019 Delivery of signatures of the campaign against judicial activism
05-07-2019 Signatures delivery at the Ministry of Health Kenya
05-07-2019 Vigil for Vincent Lambert, Paris
03-07-2019 conferencia del Ciclo "Conozca su candidato ProVIDA
29-06-2019 #EcuadorPorLaFamilia
25-06-2019 #NoForcedAbortion
26-06-2019 Concentración frente al Centro de Convenciones Plaza Mayor de Medellín
19-05-2019 Linda Maisha Summit, Kenya
14-06-2019 CitizenGO in Croatia
8-6-2019 Marcha en apoyo del Dr Leandro Rodríguez Lastra
1-6-2019 Congreso Internacional Provida de Mendoza
2-6-2019 CitizenGO in Russia
31-05-2019 Signatures delivered at Disney London & Paris
27-5-2019 Return Tyler to Amy
25-5-2019 March for Life in Croatia
18-05-2019 Protest for pre-born babies in Nairobi
17-5-2019 CitizenGO at family life symposium in Nairob
14-05-2019 Entrega de firmas - Casa Rio Negro, Argentina
16-05-2019 Entrega de firmas por la retirada de banderas verdes en el INADI
14-05-2019 Conference Hervé Junin
14-05-2019 European parliament Candidates
10-5-2019 13 aniversario de la despenalización del aborto en Colombia
9-5-2019 March for Life Canada
4-5-2019 Apoyo en Argentina y España a la Marcha por la vida en Colombia
4-5-2019 Marcha por la Vida de Colombia
12-4-2019 "Gay Loonie" protest in Canada