citadelmonkey: Nik24 and Pauln at the end of Ramsgate Tunnel
citadelmonkey: Ramsgate Tunnel
citadelmonkey: Ramsgate air raid shelter
citadelmonkey: Rusty bike in Ramsgate air raid shelter
citadelmonkey: 28DL @ Ramsgate air raid shelter
citadelmonkey: Ali23, Nik24, Pauln and me at Ramsgate Tunnel
citadelmonkey: Old scenic railway tunnel sign - Ramsgate
citadelmonkey: The end of the disused rail tunnel - Ramsgate
citadelmonkey: Alone by the chimney at Ramsgate Tunnel
citadelmonkey: Rusty bumper cars inside Ramsgate Tunnel
citadelmonkey: Steps at Ramsgate Air Raid Shelter