Alta alatis patent: Vermiljoenhoutzwam - Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Waaiertje - Schizophyllum commune, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Gele trilzwam - Tremella mesenterica, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Zwarte trilzwam - Exidia plana, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Bittere kaaszwam - Postia stiptica, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Gewone oesterzwam - Pleurotus ostreatus, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Gewone oesterzwam - Pleurotus ostreatus, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Roodborst - Erithacus rubecula, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Roodborst - Erithacus rubecula, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Gele korstzwam - Stereum hirsutum, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Grote sponszwam - Sparassis crispa, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Vermiljoenhoutzwam - Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, Hoenderloo, Fletcher
Alta alatis patent: Woudsend landscape
Alta alatis patent: On the way to Sneek, Friesland
Alta alatis patent: Sneek Tinga, Friesland
Alta alatis patent: Wooden bridge over N253, Sneek
Alta alatis patent: Waterway to centre of Sneek, Friesland
Alta alatis patent: Behind bars, Sneek
Alta alatis patent: Sneek, de Potten
Alta alatis patent: Sneek de Potten, recreative area
Alta alatis patent: On top of the organ In the great or Jacobijner Church, Leeuwarden
Alta alatis patent: In the great or Jacobijner Church, Leeuwarden
Alta alatis patent: In the great or Jacobijner Church, Leeuwarden
Alta alatis patent: Toy shop showwindow, Leeuwarden
Alta alatis patent: In the small world of diversity. Woudsend
Alta alatis patent: Bike on top, Woudsend
Alta alatis patent: Beechlane in the woods of Gaasterland
Alta alatis patent: Kippenburg reflections in a meadow
Alta alatis patent: Has been rainy, Kippenburg
Alta alatis patent: Puddle in the meadow of Kippenburg