Alta alatis patent: Queen hotel stairs, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Art in Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Queen hotel stairs, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Queen hotel stairs, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Black in white, Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: In the mirror of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Sunmirror in Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: At the reception of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: The suitcase desk in Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Toen Crier, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: The inner garden of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: The inner garden of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Italian garden with statues of Lions, soldiers, Cupids, tortoises and a beautiful water fountain AT Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Italian garden with a frog in a beautiful water fountain. Chester
Alta alatis patent: Roman soldier in the inner garden of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: A statue of flute playing kids in the inner garden of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Italian garden with statues of Lions, soldiers, Cupids, tortoises and a beautiful water fountain, Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: Italian garden with statues of Lions, soldiers, Cupids, tortoises and a beautiful water fountain at Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: A dog bench in the inner garden of Queen hotel, Chester
Alta alatis patent: View on the highway, M 6
Alta alatis patent: Ellel, close to Lancaster
Alta alatis patent: The dome of the Ashrton Memorial in Williamson Park in Lancaster
Alta alatis patent: Grazing sheep on the side of Lancasterroad A 683
Alta alatis patent: Hornby institute, community centre
Alta alatis patent: Entrance of Hornby castle, England
Alta alatis patent: St Wilfrid's Church, Melling
Alta alatis patent: Cantsfield, on A683
Alta alatis patent: Cantsfield, on A683
Alta alatis patent: Cantsfield, on A683