Alta alatis patent: Schoolwork, Sondel NL 2014
Alta alatis patent: Schoolwork, Sondel NL 2014
Alta alatis patent: Martinitoren, Groningen NL
Alta alatis patent: Martinitoren, Groningen NL
Alta alatis patent: Groningen University building, NL
Alta alatis patent: Der Aa-church, Groningen NL
Alta alatis patent: PLAN on International day of the girl 2014 NL
Alta alatis patent: Floating on the wind at sunrise
Alta alatis patent: Bending reeds in the wind at sunrise
Alta alatis patent: KBS De Balsemijn, Eastermar
Alta alatis patent: On the road to Eastermar
Alta alatis patent: On the road to Eastermar
Alta alatis patent: Stylish sign
Alta alatis patent: Noted by a horse
Alta alatis patent: Sheep in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: American windmotor
Alta alatis patent: Sheep in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: Eikenboleet - Leccinum quercinum, never seen such large ones before ...
Alta alatis patent: Cows in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: Cows in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: Cows in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: On the road
Alta alatis patent: Swan family out in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: Stretch your wings and ...
Alta alatis patent: The male is watching you
Alta alatis patent: Swan family out in the meadow