Alta alatis patent: 1 on April 21 2012 everyone was invited to see this recently modernised farm.
Alta alatis patent: when the work has been done; klus geklaard.
Alta alatis patent: 3 100 cows in the stable for more.
Alta alatis patent: Hello there, welcome at the farm.
Alta alatis patent: 4 the work in the milking parlor
Alta alatis patent: 5 a place to rest and ruminate for every cow.
Alta alatis patent: 6 there's a way out.
Alta alatis patent: 7 selfcare for ladies.
Alta alatis patent: 8 food for you or me.
Alta alatis patent: 9 you and me.
Alta alatis patent: The pulling game.
Alta alatis patent: 11 lie down and relax.
Alta alatis patent: 12 young cattle.
Alta alatis patent: 13 it is fun to stomp in puddles.
Alta alatis patent: 14 each calf in its own shielded enclosure.
Alta alatis patent: manure is given back to the land.
Alta alatis patent: 16 food and machines.
Alta alatis patent: 17 for the harvest of grass.
Alta alatis patent: 18 another machine
Alta alatis patent: 19 the backyard
Alta alatis patent: 20 in the stable.
Alta alatis patent: old timers.
Alta alatis patent: Storage of food
Alta alatis patent: Tires and trees
Alta alatis patent: Fertilizer
Alta alatis patent: A farmhouse
Alta alatis patent: Ladies care outside in the meadow
Alta alatis patent: Pretty lady in the mirror