Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace was constructed in the 18th century,.on the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites since December 1996
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace, Palace administration building under restauration
Alta alatis patent:
The main entrance
Alta alatis patent:
Cafe Residence
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace theatre
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace, the stairs
Alta alatis patent:
Archtect Bernahrd Fisher von Erlach designed the castle that was built between 1692 and 1713
Alta alatis patent:
Artesian well on this spot over years has inspired to build castles here.
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace garden, modeled trees.
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens
Alta alatis patent:
Palace gardens, modeled trees
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, flat modeled trees
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, a squirrel
Alta alatis patent:
Palm House and Neptune fountains
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, palmhaus
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, the Palmhouse
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, palmhouse
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, the Palmhouse
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, the Palmhouse
Alta alatis patent:
Alta alatis patent:
The Palm House, reopened in 1953.
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, Palmhouse
Alta alatis patent:
Look alike Kew Gardens in London
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, Neptune fountain
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace gardens, Neptune fountain
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace and gardens, view from Neptune fountain
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace and gardens, Neptune fountain, hippocampi or sea-horses
Alta alatis patent:
Schönbrunn Palace,, Neptune fountain, restraining the hippocampus or sea-horse