Alta alatis patent: Dawn and my watch says half past 12
Alta alatis patent: Look down on snowy mountains
Alta alatis patent: Almost there
Alta alatis patent: At almost 3½ hours from Beijing
Alta alatis patent: A look down to infinity
Alta alatis patent: Raisins at the market of Erdaoqiao
Alta alatis patent: Nuts and more, Uygur Erdaoqiao Market Urumqi
Alta alatis patent: Mushrooms and more
Alta alatis patent: Negociation
Alta alatis patent: Polished shoes
Alta alatis patent: Roasted meat and dumplings
Alta alatis patent: Smell the roasting
Alta alatis patent: At the market, Urumqi
Alta alatis patent: Public calling in the old style
Alta alatis patent: Meat in the heat
Alta alatis patent: People and merchandise at the Uygur market
Alta alatis patent: What is this?
Alta alatis patent: Roasted animal
Alta alatis patent: In an Uygur restaurant
Alta alatis patent: Selling water melon
Alta alatis patent: Fishing in a pond at Redhill park
Alta alatis patent: Music in Redhill park
Alta alatis patent: Ferris wheel
Alta alatis patent: View from the top of Redhill park
Alta alatis patent: Urumqi, the other bank of the river
Alta alatis patent: Urumqi town
Alta alatis patent: Symbol of Urumqi: the pagoda on the red brown sandstone rock
Alta alatis patent: Stairs to the top, decorated with locks
Alta alatis patent: On top of Redhill park