Alta alatis patent: Friesland winter 1
Alta alatis patent: Autumn sailing in Woudsend,
Alta alatis patent: Geese gathering in the field
Alta alatis patent: November snowdrops; sneeuwklokjes in sneeuw
Alta alatis patent: Lights decorate long nights; skutsje met spiegelbeeld
Alta alatis patent: December ride under the cold clear sky
Alta alatis patent: Swans covered with snow
Alta alatis patent: Snow on ice, so pure
Alta alatis patent: Waving line; Indyk winter
Alta alatis patent: Waving reeds
Alta alatis patent: New road to come; bouw ee aquaduct
Alta alatis patent: Didge like a mirror, Wickel
Alta alatis patent: Bus shelter, abandoned
Alta alatis patent: Pollard willows, reflect
Alta alatis patent: Windless Laaksum harbour
Alta alatis patent: Friesland winter 2
Alta alatis patent: Under the blue sky
Alta alatis patent: Wintertime for sheep and birds
Alta alatis patent: Frost frozen on the trees
Alta alatis patent: Frozen waves in the IJssellake
Alta alatis patent: Wonderland
Alta alatis patent: The natural skating rink of Woudsend
Alta alatis patent: More geese
Alta alatis patent: Geese on wings
Alta alatis patent: Occupation of farmersland
Alta alatis patent: More and more
Alta alatis patent: Winter tree
Alta alatis patent: Covered with snow
Alta alatis patent: Pride of life