cirdantravels (Fons Buts): eye contact with a Long-eared Owl
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Little Bustards
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): the elusive Little Bustard
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): a flock of Great Bustards at sunrise
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): another flock of these beauties in the afternoon ....
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Golden Eagle ( m )
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Eurasian Goldfinch
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Common Sandpiper
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): European Stonechat (m)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): en route to the New Year.........
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): foraging Flamingoes (1)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): foraging Flamingoes (2)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Greater Flamingo
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Northern Lapwing
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): juvenile Buzzard
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Greater Flamingo