cirdantravels (Fons Buts): 5 Red-billed Queleas
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Hook-lipped (or Black) Rhino Bull in typical habitat, South Africa
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Black-collared Barbet among the berries
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): If you chase me away, I will come back with .....
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): relaxed White Rhino
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Lesser Striped-Swallow
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Blue Waxbill or Blue-breasted Cordon-bleu
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): intense Cheetah eyes
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Cape Glossy Starling
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): applying make-up in the bush, Madikwe GR, South Africa
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Black-fronted Bulbul
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Southern Black Flycatcher
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Jameson's Firefinch
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): golden hour Calf (World Elephant Day)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): the pretty one of the African savanna
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Pale Chanting Goshawk
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Pale Chanting Goshawk taking off
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Klipspringer, a small and pretty antelope
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): the Stare of a Confident Cub
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): World Lion Day 2: a young mother
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Calling her Pride
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): World Lion Day 1: a majestic male
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Lion in Madikwe GR, South Africa
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Nyala Bull showing its dorsal crest
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): massive Bull Elephant on a mission
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Purple-crested Turaco