cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
very relaxed Mountain Gorilla
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
young Mountain Gorilla acrobatics
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
relaxed young Mountain Gorilla
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
young Mountain Gorilla in Volcanoes National Park
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Silverback in Volcanoes NP
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
sleeping Silverback (Mountain Gorilla)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
resting Silverback in Volcanoes NP
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
built like a tank
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Klipspringers in typical habitat
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
male Flat-headed Agama
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
male Olive Baboon
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
a relaxed youngster
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
a cute roadblock in the savanna
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
relaxed Topi's
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Coke's Hartebeest in plains of Serengeti
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Topi in Serengeti
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
OK, that is close enough!
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
taking a break
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Lioness on fresh kill
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
no kindness in this look, instead ruthless determination
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
a vigilant mother
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
watching her cubs....
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Lion and Elephant families
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
the giant owl with the pink eyelids
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Cheetah, alert as usual
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
Elephant bull
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
a sight to behold
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
cautious Hippo Cow with small Calf
cirdantravels (Fons Buts):
male Ostrich (Masai subspecies)