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Palm-nut Vulture, a special bird of prey
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the huge Lappet-faced Vulture
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Rüppell's Griffon
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Hooded Vultures, also Critically Endangered
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Griffon Vulture
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4 Vulture Species, unfortunately all Endangered
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Rueppel's Griffon (critically endangered)
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Critically Endangered Hooded Vulture
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2 Critically Endangered species: Hooded Vulture in front of White-backed Vultures
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White-backed Vulture (Critically Endangered)
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Endangered Lappet-faced Vulture showing its massive wingspan
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Critically Endangered White-backed Vulture, Moremi GR, Botswana
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Lappet-faced Vulture, Masai Mara, Kenya
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endangered Hooded Vulture, Selous GR, Tanzania
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White-headed Vulture, Hwange NP, Zimbabwe
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Himalayan Griffon, the largest Gyps species, Kaziranga NP, India
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2 endangered species: Hooded Vulture + African Wild Dog
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hooded vultures (endangered), seen twice following a pack of African wild dogs, Okavango Delta, Botswana