ampiistola: 5/52: Mirror, mirror
ampiistola: 6/52: Free your dreams baby
ampiistola: I’ll lock up my dreams in heaven.
ampiistola: 1/52: Be your own rainbow!
ampiistola: I want to drawn in the sea with you (...)
ampiistola: Moon ride for free!
ampiistola: 3/52: Strip(p)ed
ampiistola: 7/52: I want to fade away like smoke
ampiistola: Smoke away
ampiistola: 8/52: A new monster has born
ampiistola: 52-9: be beautiful and be sad
ampiistola: 52-12: I want to go ‘where the nightmares stop’
ampiistola: 52-13
ampiistola: Here is where dreams come true