cinnachick: The Home Queen World's Fair Souvenir Cookbook
cinnachick: A receipt I found inside
cinnachick: The title spread of the book
cinnachick: Health and Nutrition information of various foods
cinnachick: One of the ladies auxilliary members
cinnachick: Several of the women who helped work on the book
cinnachick: Slightly different group of women
cinnachick: More recipes
cinnachick: Recipe close-up for Corn Pone
cinnachick: A plate of The Art Palace
cinnachick: A plate of the Agricultural Building
cinnachick: Option 1 for stripe placement
cinnachick: Option 2 for stripe placement
cinnachick: Option 3 for stripe placement
cinnachick: Squid salad
cinnachick: Chef's Surprise Roll
cinnachick: Fried Skate Wing