cinnachick: Mexican Wrestler Baby and Friends guard the Fluffy Mackererl Pudding
cinnachick: I pity the fool who messes with my mackerel.
cinnachick: Ain't no spoons getting by us!
cinnachick: Snakes on a Plane on Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
cinnachick: Are you serious? I really have to eat this?
cinnachick: He thinks: "If it's really hot maybe I'll sear my tastebuds."
cinnachick: "I'm trusting you."
cinnachick: "Um, honey."
cinnachick: "Ack! Oh my gawd! This is awful!"
cinnachick: "I need a drink. Outta my way."
cinnachick: I'm never getting this taste out of my mouth.
cinnachick: Ah! Yes! Much, much better. *swallow* Ack! Must drink more.
cinnachick: Bella sniffs the Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
cinnachick: What a waste of my time! -- she says
cinnachick: Fluffy Mackerel Pudding -- Alone for eternity
cinnachick: Fluffy Mackerel Souffle straight out of the oven
cinnachick: Fluffy Mackerel Souffle after 10 minutes on the counter
cinnachick: Let's go see what Andrew thinks
cinnachick: I'm trusting you again.
cinnachick: Taking his second bite.
cinnachick: Hmm? What is this? They never put food on the floor.
cinnachick: That is foul!
cinnachick: I'll try it. Sure.
cinnachick: The Fluffy Mackerel Souffle stands alone.