the tung: Capitol tour
the tung: Menu at Busboys and Poets
the tung: Capitol Building
the tung: Stuffed mole
the tung: Triceratops
the tung: Dragonfly
the tung: D.C. Metro
the tung: Little Yellow House
the tung: Little shrimp
the tung: View of the Mall
the tung: The Declaration of Independence.
the tung: Smithsonian Museum of Native Americans
the tung: Priority
the tung: Hope Diamond
the tung: IMG_5711.JPG
the tung: Aimee and me
the tung: Breakfast
the tung: D.C. Metro
the tung: Look both ways
the tung: Rotunda
the tung: D.C. Metro
the tung: National Library
the tung: National Botanical Garden