Cindy Motmans: ticking a box on the bucket list
Cindy Motmans: Joy to the world!
Cindy Motmans: Tricky to clone #MacroMondays #DoubleExposure
Cindy Motmans: #MacroMondays #MyFavouriteNovel
Cindy Motmans: #MacroMondays #Speckled
Cindy Motmans: engulfed
Cindy Motmans: #Monochrome #MacroMondays
Cindy Motmans: Li Bien inside bottle painting
Cindy Motmans: fasteners
Cindy Motmans: tiny shells on top of ... less than peanuts
Cindy Motmans: a sweet angel's gift
Cindy Motmans: my slippers
Cindy Motmans: Keyhole
Cindy Motmans: A pair of non-matching earrings
Cindy Motmans: Celebrating victory
Cindy Motmans: Candle light