cindylu: Back in the day II
cindylu: Back in the day I
cindylu: Idealistic students
cindylu: Elections
cindylu: Sonrisas
cindylu: 21st birthday party
cindylu: Beware: Educated Chicanas
cindylu: In bed with the roommate
cindylu: I wasn't so excited about the results the second time around
cindylu: Center of el borlote (commotion)
cindylu: Valley girls
cindylu: Californians in Michigan
cindylu: Decision 2004: where to go to grad school?
cindylu: Representing Hedrick 674 and 676
cindylu: Tigres del Norte
cindylu: Eight of us were game to play blob
cindylu: Angel makes a mad dash while we play tag in the form of a blob
cindylu: A small blob goes after Erika
cindylu: Hold hands!
cindylu: Blanca's birthday inspired posting these photos
cindylu: Blob's a fun version of tag to play with a mid-sized group
cindylu: I think we were goin for Patty (in red)
cindylu: Angel and Melina try and capture the next victim
cindylu: Post playing the Blob game
cindylu: Raza Youth Conference Planning Committee
cindylu: Isa and Liz A
cindylu: Henry missed the memo about wearing red
cindylu: MEChA chairs 98-current (with 00-03 missing)
cindylu: MEChA de UCLA chairs
cindylu: Gabriel and Isa