Cinny Lou Who: Resting
Cinny Lou Who: Maybe I'll take a dip
Cinny Lou Who: I see my reflection
Cinny Lou Who: El Tigre
Cinny Lou Who: Fountain grass
Cinny Lou Who: Those must be some big nuts
Cinny Lou Who: Asian Elephant
Cinny Lou Who: Sumatran Tiger
Cinny Lou Who: You can't see me!
Cinny Lou Who: Harbor Seal
Cinny Lou Who: ET Phone Home
Cinny Lou Who: Tufted Puffin
Cinny Lou Who: Tufted Puffin
Cinny Lou Who: Reindeer
Cinny Lou Who: I dare ya to throw that kid in here....
Cinny Lou Who: Sumatran Tiger
Cinny Lou Who: I'm still hiding.....
Cinny Lou Who: Asian Forest Sanctuary
Cinny Lou Who: Peacock Tail
Cinny Lou Who: Hey there good lookin
Cinny Lou Who: Belch!!!!!
Cinny Lou Who: Tufted Puffin
Cinny Lou Who: Peacock
Cinny Lou Who: Sea Otter
Cinny Lou Who: White-Cheeked Gibbon
Cinny Lou Who: Sea Otter
Cinny Lou Who: Sea Otter