A tree called life: I watched sunset after sunset (waiting for you to come through)
A tree called life: If you'd only knew (how much you mean to me)
A tree called life: First day of spring
A tree called life: You hold my every moment
A tree called life: A bokeh-ful of poppies
A tree called life: He has made everything beautiful in its time
A tree called life: We're meant to lose the people we love. How else are we supposed to know how important they are?
A tree called life: Fall season
A tree called life: Monday blues
A tree called life: Look, with your heart
A tree called life: Stay just a little
A tree called life: no secrets
A tree called life: sweetnothing
A tree called life: 5. Encounter
A tree called life: 6. I drowned myself in his words
A tree called life: 11. Somedays
A tree called life: 17. "You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place" I told him