Cindi with an "i": Mom and Ollie
Cindi with an "i": Ollie discovers
Cindi with an "i": Sadie and Argus
Cindi with an "i": Sadie starts
Cindi with an "i": Sadie and Betty
Cindi with an "i": Ollie at 10 weeks
Cindi with an "i": Ollie sticking his tongue out
Cindi with an "i": Look at those wiskers
Cindi with an "i": Sean and Ollie
Cindi with an "i": Video of Sadie and Argie
Cindi with an "i": Argie behind bars
Cindi with an "i": Eye see you
Cindi with an "i": Tail & Foot
Cindi with an "i": The big stick
Cindi with an "i": Attack of the itty bitty dog
Cindi with an "i": Sadie & Argus