cinderellapunk#1: Wonder what this could be?!!!
cinderellapunk#1: Carefully wrapped in plastic
cinderellapunk#1: Estrella trying MY bed out for size:)
cinderellapunk#1: Estrella does compete with Lottie on the fantasy stakes
cinderellapunk#1: What a picture they make:)
cinderellapunk#1: With their little Japanese pets
cinderellapunk#1: I think they'll be fine together:)
cinderellapunk#1: Only Room for One MoRE!
cinderellapunk#1: Love my Lala
cinderellapunk#1: First Spring flowers are here:)
cinderellapunk#1: Homage to Rudy Fig and Piparrot!
cinderellapunk#1: Lala looking beautiful as ever!
cinderellapunk#1: Elegida a custom by Lisa Harkin
cinderellapunk#1: Elegida a custom by Lisa Harkin
cinderellapunk#1: Elegida a custom by Lisa Harkin