CIMMYT: Seedlings of wheat wild relatives
CIMMYT: Seedlings of winter types during vernalization
CIMMYT: Sowing the seeds of acquisitions under quarantine
CIMMYT: Branched spikes at maturity
CIMMYT: Covering some spikes from bird damage at Batan, Texcoco
CIMMYT: Removing off-types from the plot
CIMMYT: Plots showing genetic diversity of the wheat collection at Batan
CIMMYT: Germplasm characterization
CIMMYT: Manual harvest of individual plots
CIMMYT: Thomas Payne, Ph. D. Head, Wheat Germplasm Collection
CIMMYT: Shipment of the safety backup for the Global Cold Vault in Svalbard, Norway
CIMMYT: Organizing the harvested seed
CIMMYT: Harvest time in Mexicali
CIMMYT: Transplanting winter wheat types to the screenhouse
CIMMYT: Very short wheat
CIMMYT: Wheat at sunrise
CIMMYT: Wheat International Nurseries plots
CIMMYT: Wheat sample plots
CIMMYT: Wheat spike types
CIMMYT: Wheat spikes colors