CIMMYT: 'Present!' team from Ethiopia affirms their participation in the MLN conference
CIMMYT: A keen ear to explanations done at the MLN infected fields.
CIMMYT: A participant inquires about the MLN- infected plants
CIMMYT: Anne Wangui, a seed health technician at CIMMYT demonstrate DAS–ELISA method used for detecting MLN-causing viruses.
CIMMYT: Anne Wangui, a seed health technician at CIMMYT demonstrates sampling for MLN virus testing
CIMMYT: CIMMYT Regional Representative Dr.Stephen Mugo delivers his speech during the opening of the conference
CIMMYT: Dr Felister Makini, deputy director of KALRO (Crop System) delivers the key note speech on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya
CIMMYT: Dr. Biswanath Das, maize breeder at CIMMYT gives a summary of the conference
CIMMYT: Dr. Joe DeVries, director of AGRA's Program for Africa's Seed Systems gives his opening speech during the conference.
CIMMYT: Dr. Mugo explains a point to a participant at the MLN screening facility
CIMMYT: Dr.Stephen Mugo briefs participants about the MLN facility
CIMMYT: Entry to the MLN screening facility
CIMMYT: Gary Atlin from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, gives his speech at the opening of the conference
CIMMYT: Janet Kimunye, MLN technician at CIMMYT explains inoculum extraction for artifical inoculation
CIMMYT: Janet Kimunye, MLN technician at CIMMYTshows participants a plant with MLN symptoms
CIMMYT: Keen eye on MLN - a participant studies an infected plant
CIMMYT: Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus (MCMV) infected plant
CIMMYT: MLN-infected experimental field
CIMMYT: Participants follow discussions at the conference
CIMMYT: Participants of the International Conference on MLN Diagnostics and Management in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya 12-14 May 2015
CIMMYT: Putting great minds together-participants discuss a MLN-infected plant
CIMMYT: Staff at the MLN screening facility demonstrate the artifical inoculation (2)
CIMMYT: Staff at the MLN screening facility demonstrate the artifical inoculation
CIMMYT: SugarCane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) infected plant
CIMMYT: Suresh Langadahali, a maize pathologist at CIMMYTexplains a pont on the MLN-infected field