CIMMYT: Tigist Masresra, technical assistant, Highland Maize Breeding Program
CIMMYT: Maize & wheat farmer Kedir Gemedi at village market
CIMMYT: Maize bread prepared with QPM maize with cook Amina Ibrahim at NuME field day
CIMMYT: Maize vendor at village market
CIMMYT: Maize bread prepared with QPM maize with cook Mulu Abebe at NuME field day
CIMMYT: Farmer Gashu Lema's son harvests improved variety "Kubsa" wheat, Gadulla village, Mojo
CIMMYT: Dinke Abebe shows handful of wheat at traditional wheat seed storage house wheat variety: “Ogolcho” from Kulumsa
CIMMYT: Wheat fields, Arsi highlands
CIMMYT: Farmer Melese Tsegaye picking stalks of wheat in his field "Kingbird" variety from Kulumsa Research Station
CIMMYT: Tigist Masresra, technical assistant, Highland Maize Breeding Program, Ambo Research Center,Ambo
CIMMYT: Maize mill, Sidameika Tura village, Arsi Negele
CIMMYT: Kemeriya Mohamed stacking harvested wheat
CIMMYT: Gutaa Bagana (lead farmer MCU) walking in his wheat field with neighbors Dereje Tsige, Gishe Gudeta, Mekonia Diriba and Alemu Deme, variety wheat Dendea
CIMMYT: Grandmother harvests DT maize
CIMMYT: Goshime Muluneh, Director of Hawassa Maize Research Sub-center measuring plant height, Wondo Genet Research Center
CIMMYT: Faxuma Adam cooking maize in her kitchen
CIMMYT: Farmers Nuri Bekele, Tefera Tamirat & Melaka Bekele harvest "Limu" maize, Baranga village, Hawassa Zuria district
CIMMYT: Farmers group & demonstration drought tolerant (DT) maize plot in farmers field
CIMMYT: Farmer Melese Tsegaye blows to clean and select wheat seed in his field, Kingbird variety wheat from Kulumsa Research Station
CIMMYT: Farmer Galana Mulatu harvests wheat research plot in farmers field
CIMMYT: Farmer Abera Degefa hand bundling his wheat variety Ogolcho, from Kalumsa RC
CIMMYT: Farmer Abera Degefa and helpers transporting wheat from field to home
CIMMYT: Farme's son carries his brother in family field of BH 546 DT maize
CIMMYT: Demewoz Negera, CIMMYT researcher, GMP Global Maize Program:NuME, Ambo Research Center, Ambo
CIMMYT: David Kassahun, Research assistant (Yodit Kebede) examines weather station
CIMMYT: Contracter operating his Combine harvester in wheat field
CIMMYT: Bedilu Desta, 2 wheel tractor (2WT) service provider threshing with 2WT, Africa Rising project
CIMMYT: Basheda Jima harvesting "Fabel" variety wheat in his family´s field
CIMMYT: Banura Yabata weeding his field of improved variety "Dhagobae" wheat
CIMMYT: Abdeta Ayana, masters student, Ambo University doing research in farmers field on maize yield gap, related to Tamasa project