Lorcan Keating: I love the way he twists his neck. He's loose for a musky of course, I mean.
Lorcan Keating: Strange Bedfellows
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck - female
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck - female
Lorcan Keating: Muscovy Duck
Lorcan Keating: Coming through!
Lorcan Keating: No pictures please!
Lorcan Keating: Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Celebrate . . .
Lorcan Keating: Greater White-fronted Goose
Lorcan Keating: No photographs please!
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck
Lorcan Keating: Black-crowned Night Heron
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck
Lorcan Keating: Wood Duck
Lorcan Keating: Stop me if you've heard this one before; Squirrel turns to his wife and says....
Lorcan Keating: Song Sparrow
Lorcan Keating: American Wigeon
Lorcan Keating: Snack before lunchtime.
Lorcan Keating: Muscovy Duck
Lorcan Keating: Steller's Jay
Lorcan Keating: Steller's Jay
Lorcan Keating: Steller's Jay
Lorcan Keating: Loving the sunshine
Lorcan Keating: I've a bad feeling I'm in big trouble.
Lorcan Keating: Greater White-fronted Goose
Lorcan Keating: Good evening, and welcome to Alfred Squirrelcock's Mystery Hour.
Lorcan Keating: Muscovy Duck
Lorcan Keating: Touchdown!