CIDSE - together for global justice: CIDSE COP24 official Side Event_06/12/2018_© CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: CIDSE COP24 official Side Event_06/12/2018_© CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Opening programme with volunteers_Credit CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Opening programme with volunteers_Credit CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Opening programme with volunteers_Credit CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Opening programme with volunteers_Credit CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Screening Documentary_© CIDSE_IMG-20181208-WA0001
CIDSE - together for global justice: Screening Documentary_© CIDSE_IMG-20181208-WA0000
CIDSE - together for global justice: Climate March 07122018 © CIDSE_IMG-20181208-WA0003
CIDSE - together for global justice: Climate March 07122018 © CIDSE_IMG-20181208-WA0004
CIDSE - together for global justice: Climate March 07122018 © CIDSE_IMG-20181208-WA0002
CIDSE - together for global justice: COP24_Broederlijk Delen delegates-IMG_5298
CIDSE - together for global justice: Manos Unidas delegates_20181208_131753
CIDSE - together for global justice: COP24_FEC delegates_IMG_5311
CIDSE - together for global justice: Interfaith press conference © CIDSE
CIDSE - together for global justice: Holy See Press conference © CIDSE_DSC03244
CIDSE - together for global justice: Catholic COP24 delegates with Archbishop of Katowice Credit Rosie Heaton