CIDSE - together for global justice: Putting it all together
CIDSE - together for global justice: A life-changing experience
CIDSE - together for global justice: Signing the agreement
CIDSE - together for global justice: Our own Parish Agreement
CIDSE - together for global justice: Sharing and learning
CIDSE - together for global justice: foto 6 Maggie Mairura
CIDSE - together for global justice: Photo 19-09-16 16 13 36
CIDSE - together for global justice: 13902764_10153933401167903_968992148436225763_n
CIDSE - together for global justice: Photo 26-07-16 13 01 23
CIDSE - together for global justice: Photo 26-07-16 13 00 17
CIDSE - together for global justice: Panoramica_conferenza