CIDSE - together for global justice: Audience at the CIDSE Side Event (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Minister Heidi Hautala speaking at CIDSE side event in New York (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Trócaire director Justin Kilcullen at CIDSE Side Event (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Trócaire director Justin Kilcullen at CIDSE Side Event (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Ignacio Saez, Executive Director, Center for Economic and Social Rights (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Audience question by Firmin Adjahossou (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Dr. Lorna Gold, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Trócaire, and Roberto Bissio, Coordinator, Social Watch (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Mariama Williams, Senior Research Fellow, South Centre (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Wael Hmaiden, Director, CAN International (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Panelists at Side Event (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Panel and audience (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Panel and audience (c)Michelle Hoctor
CIDSE - together for global justice: Panel and audience (c)Michelle Hoctor